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Death Jokes

Amen Dunes

Death Jokes

Sixth full-length of lo-fi rock from from New York-based Damon McMahon

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  1. 9.0 |   The Line Of Best Fit

    The music is steeped in melancholy and fear, but with a desire to unpick and embrace the disorder, and make something meaningful of it
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  2. 8.4 |   Northern Transmissions

    A bold, audacious statement from one of US indie’s most unusual talents. As McMahon disappears once more into the ether, one can only ponder
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  3. 8.3 |   Spin

    If comedy equals tragedy plus time, it’ll be at least a few years before anyone finds Death Jokes funny
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  4. 8.0 |   All Music

    McMahon always takes his music wherever it needs to go, and Death Jokes is the bracing sound of Amen Dunes actively engaging with the world and its problems
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  5. 8.0 |   The Skinny

    Death Jokes is the product of a very busy mind, expertly encapsulating the feeling of being trapped, distracted, and despondent
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  6. 8.0 |   Under The Radar

    Much like its climactic track, Death Jokes is enigmatic, overwhelming, and even indulgent, but it is also a singular and stirring effort, one which rewards those who choose to untangle its knots
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  7. 8.0 |   God Is In The TV

    It might not be as immediate as Freedom was, but it is as striking as it is sometimes confusing, and one that demands several repeat listens, as you tend to pick up subtle intricacies every time you do
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  8. 7.8 |   Spectrum Culture

    With its pandemic element, social commentary and integration of hip hop with indie rock, there is a zeitgeist quality to Death Jokes
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  9. 7.6 |   Pitchfork

    Filtered through warped hip-hop beats and garbled samples, Damon McMahon’s self-produced sixth album is a characteristically oblique apocalypse tale about living for today
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  10. 7.3 |   Beats Per Minute

    There’s undeniably a great work of art in here among the clutter of scraps that McMahon has collected over the last few years. It seems he’s refused to relinquish them because they mean too much to him – though they probably won’t to most others
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  11. 7.0 |   Uncut

    At its best, like the gorgeous, nine-minute “Round The World”, his bittersweet sound feels like the work of an art-music auteur. Print edition only

  12. 7.0 |   Exclaim

    McMahon's songwriting talents leave no doubt that these new idioms will soon be seamlessly integrated into the Amen Dunes vocabulary. In the meantime, Death Jokes is a worthwhile sputter on the journey there
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  13. 7.0 |   PopMatters

    Death Jokes finds Amen Dunes tackling big issues and exploring influences from his youth, but the connection with his listeners still creates deeper meaning
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