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The Last Flight

Public Service Broadcasting

The Last Flight

Fifth studio album from London krautrock / synthpop band covers the Amelia Earhart story

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So Recordings
UK Release date
US Release date
  1. 10.0 |   Record Collector

    Print edition only

  2. 8.0 |   Mojo

    Print edition only

  3. 8.0 |   musicOMH

    Their fifth album resurrects the cause of the pioneering ‘Aviatrix’ Amelia Earhart from the 1920s, communicating triumph in the face of adversity
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  4. 8.0 |   God Is In The TV

    It’s another stunning addition to one of the finer back catalogues of current times, it is genuinely awe-inspiring that music such as this can be made, and thankfully appreciated by an ever-growing audience. A fitting tribute
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  5. 7.0 |   Far Out

    The Last Flight might not seem as authentic as some of Public Service Broadcasting’s previous work, thanks in part to the fabricated samples, but that should not take away from the incredible concept at the heart of the band
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  6. 6.0 |   Uncut

    Print edition only

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