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Become an AnyDecentMusic Patron

Help support what we do and be part of developing ADM into an even better service.

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Hello folks,

We're on Patreon. If you don't know what that is, it's probably best described as an on-going crowd funding type of thing. It allows people like us to ask people like you to help support what we do.

We probably don't really need to explain to you what we do. You already know us well, we hope, and you know what we're all about. But if you've just discovered us recently, or happened upon the site today, then here is a brief background.

We started ADM because we wanted such a site for ourselves.

We firmly believe in The Wisdom Of Crowds: "If you aggregate many different opinions from a diverse group of people, you are much more likely to arrive at the best opinion than if you listen to one specialist*".

For this to be effective it's important that the opinions we chose are diverse. And for that reason we work with a limited but diverse selection of sources that we feel best cover music opinion.

When you launch a site like ADM, you've no idea if it will ever pay for itself. But you see a value for visitors. And we still do.

But financing it is difficult. We don't make money from ADM (apart from small amounts from Amazon & iTunes and some advertising); at the same time we pay for hosting, data upkeep and developments. We also devote a lot of time into curating the site which we do because we enjoy it and, like you, we love discovering new music.

Some of you already help to support us by subscribing to the ADM App and we hope that will continue to grow. (The Android version should be ready soon. We promise).

But we're asking for more help. We'd like to be in a position to not only finance the day-to-day running of ADM, but to develop the site. We know it badly needs a fresh coat of paint and a slight rethink to improve what we do. We know we can make it even better.

With Patreon we see a service that fits our needs.

Their message is simple: "We want to help every creator in the world achieve sustainable income".

And by clicking on the link below you can do just that. You can commit to as little as $1 a month or set a maximum limit. Any contribution you can make will help us maintain AnyDecentMusic and hopefully improve it.

If you enjoy what we do and discover new music on a regular basis, based on what our critics recommend and are happy to pay a little for the pleasure, then we'd be so grateful.

Thank you for your continued support.

Ally / ADM

Click here to become a patron of AnyDecentMusic.

* By the way that quote isn't from the book of the same name, but from Soccernomics by Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski. A brilliant book about our other great love, football.

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