Albums to watch

The ADM team's albums of 2011

It's the one time of the year when we cast off our mantle of strict neutrality and give air to our own musical preferences and foibles. So without further ado, here are the albums that made 2011 special for us - with a Spotify playlist for each

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Ally's albums of the year

  1. Mogwai Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will
  2. Gillian Welch The Harrow And The Harvest
  3. We Were Promised Jetpacks In The Pit Of The Stomach
  4. Fucked Up David Comes To Life
  5. PS I Love You Meet Me At The Muster Station
  6. Youth Lagoon The Year Of Hibernation
  7. The Field Looping State Of Mind
  8. The War On Drugs Slave Ambient
  9. Dels Gob
  10. Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat Everything's Getting Older

Ally's Albums Of 2011

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Terry's albums of the year

  1. Blanck Mass Blanck Mass
  2. The Field Looping State Of Mind
  3. I Break Horses Hearts
  4. Walls Coracle
  5. High Places Original Colours
  6. Widowspeak Widowspeak
  7. Martyn Ghost People
  8. Laki Mera The Proximity Effect
  9. Apparat Organ Quartet Polyfonia
  10. The War on Drugs Slave Ambient


Terry's Albums Of 2011

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