Albums to watch

Soft Tissue


Soft Tissue

Album number fourteen from the Nottingham-based indie rock / chamber pop outfit

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City Slang
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  1. 9.0 |   musicOMH

    Fourteenth album from Stuart Staples and co features all of their classic hallmarks but also exists in a more elevated, refined realm
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  2. 8.0 |   The Guardian

    From 70s soul to glowing strings, the cult outfit continue to illuminate the fringes of pop music, celebrating the beauty in small things
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  3. 8.0 |   Uncut

    It’s all strong enough to hopefully attract listeners beyond Tindersticks’ hardy fanbase. Print edition only

  4. 8.0 |   Mojo

    From Terry Edwards’ dysregulated trumpet on Always A Stranger to the wheezy strings of The Secret Of Breathing, Soft Tissue is a magnificent reminder that few people know better how to arrange life’s broken pieces, how to orchestrate the chaos. Print edition only

  5. 8.0 |   All Music

    They are a band with a catalog worth getting lost in, and Soft Tissue stands as one of their finest moments
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  6. 7.0 |   Far Out

    While the album succeeds in creating a cohesive sound and an undeniable atmosphere of melancholy, one that’s difficult to find fault with, it falls flat in places by not pushing beyond those initial ideas. It’s a rainy day rather than a storm
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  7. 6.0 |   The Arts Desk

    Tindersticks don’t come across as the most jolly of people but 'Soft Tissue' involves no wallowing about in never-ending wretchedness
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