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Heard Noises

Matt Berry

Heard Noises

Eleventh album from the award-winning comedian/actor and musician Matt Berry featuring guest appearances from Kitty Liv and Natasha Lyonne

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Acid Jazz
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  1. 9.0 |   All Music

    Matt Berry has been releasing albums for a long time - some of them inevitably better than others. Heard Noises ranks right near the top, and if the sun hits it just right and one squints a little, it might be sitting merrily atop the very summit
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  2. 8.0 |   Record Collector

    So full of moments of disarming beauty is Heard Noises that it’s often easy to miss the discomfiting observations within
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  3. 8.0 |   Clash

    It’s fun, vibrant, and deeply trippy songwriting, well worthy of praise on its own lofty terms
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  4. 8.0 |   Mojo

    It's all consummately executed, just lacking a burning lyrical purpose. Print edition only

  5. 8.0 |   God Is In The TV

    Long may Matt continue making music if it’s always going to be this enjoyable
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  6. 8.0 |   XS Noize

    An album that can pick you up and make you smile, cradle you through gloomier times, and may likely invoke a scene reminiscent of The Exorcist breaking out in your living room, you won’t be able to say you haven’t been entertained!
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  7. 7.0 |   Uncut

    At other times he falls back on elegantly vintage-clad pastichery, but then the stomping baroque pop duet of "I Gotta Limit" and the sun-dappled wistfulness of "To Live For What Once Was" prick up our ears once again. Print edition only

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