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Billboard Heart

Deep Sea Diver

Billboard Heart

Fourth album from the Seattle indie rock band led by Jessica Dobson and produced Andy D. Park

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Sub Pop
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  1. 8.5 |   Northern Transmissions

    NEW They are the type of band who might, like they suggest, end up on a billboard. But they’re as intimate as a good friend, who thankfully shares your musical taste, as well
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  2. 8.0 |   Mojo

    NEW From the cascading choruses of See In The Dark to the title track's stylish chimes, and in What Do I Know she may have found Deep Sea Diver's key to crossover. Print edition only

  3. 8.0 |   Under The Radar

    NEW The tracks showcase some strong songwriting, with each one bringing its own influence (there’s as much Caroline Rose as there is My Bloody Valentine)
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  4. 8.0 |   All Music

    NEW The sleek, dramatic title track sets the stage with a lush, grooving indie rock bolstered by shimmery synths, textured guitar effects, and a somewhat oversaturated sound that permeates and distinguishes the album
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  5. 7.6 |   Paste Magazine

    NEW The Seattle band’s fourth album and Sub Pop debut is full of snappy lyrics, impeccable guitar-playing and crisp synthwork in a tight clasp, and the result is indie rock that sounds like it was made with both the confidence of a 22-year-old bursting onto the scene and the wisdom of a veteran player
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  6. 7.0 |   Clash

    NEW There is plenty to unpack with plenty of anthemic moments but also moments of calm that help the epic tracks to soar even more
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