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Here We Go Crazy

Bob Mould

Here We Go Crazy

Fiftheent full-length solo studio release from the man behind alt.rock bands Hüsker Dü and Sugar

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  1. 10.0 |   musicOMH

    NEW Sometimes it feels like listening to music from a time capsule, in the best possible way, but his 16th album demonstrates that he’s never been afraid of a good hook
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  2. 8.0 |   Record Collector

    NEW The theme of loss crops up regularly in the lyrics, as well. Loss of what? You name it. Sleep. Youth. Innocence. Life. Looks. The list goes on. None of this is to say that Here We Go Crazy doesn’t still rock hard, however
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  3. 8.0 |   Uncut

    NEW Even on songs which tap into more difficult territory, such as "When Your Heart Is Broken", he delivers it with such a seamless knack for melodic songcraft, that he even turns heartache into foot-stomping riffs and sing-along choruses. Print edition only

  4. 8.0 |   Mojo

    NEW All but unchanged aesthetically at 64, this alt-rock icon's rockin' on. Print edition only

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